Tuesday, March 10, 2009

in dedication to the demise of a dream

so there is this beautiful mediterranean house that i drive by every day on the way to school. it's my dream house, with trees and ivy growing all around the fence surrounding the house. today when i drove by, i was shocked to see that it was for sale! i thought YES, this house will be mine (not really, i wish..) but anyways, i estimated the house to be around 1 million.. NOPE. not in orange! the listed price was 2,750,000. oh mon dieu! needless to say, it was the demise of a dream. truth be told, i wouldn't want to live in orange anyways but maybe i will construct a replica of this house in another state where it won't be as expensive and go there on vacation. in honor of the house that will never be mine, here are some of my favorite interior inspiration photographs.


maile. said...

I enjoyed these immensely. I wanted to do a similar post the other day, but I only really have one or two photographs of inspiring interiors.

rachel said...

it gets addicting saving all those photos!